In "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari," the line between reality and nightmare blurs as a young man named Francis recounts his eerie experiences in the small German town of Holstenwall. Dr. Caligari, a sinister hypnotist, uses a somnambulist named Cesare to commit a series of mysterious murders. With its haunting, expressionist visuals and a mind-bending plot, the story unfolds like a distorted dream where the true horrors lie in the secrets of a sinister cabinet, making it a pioneering masterpiece in the realm of psychological horror cinema.
This is a lovingly restored adaptation of the original classic film. At 90 pages this is a full retelling of the story in a new medium. A perfect-bound paper back with glossy black and white pages and chilling visuals!
The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari - Horror Graphic Novel
SKU: 1598021923